JS Side Mount Sand Filter

Crystal clear water, effortless maintenance


Trade Series Exclusive Logo NSF Certification logo

Jandy® Pro Series Side Mount Sand Filters are available in two sizes and come with clean/dirty indicators on the pressure gauge, extra-large 2" sand and water drain ports, and an ergonomic filter lid, making service and winterization a breeze. As integral components of any Versa Plumb® System, the JS Series Sand Filters are both versatile and efficient.

Designed with an extra-deep sand bed and dual diffusers (JS-100 only) for improved filtration, the JS Side Mount Filter’s performance is unrivaled. Even the installation is made easy with three Jandy backwash valve kit options: 2-in-1 Never Lube® Valve, Slide Valve, or the Multi-Port Valve.

JS Side Mount Sand Filter Specifications

JS Side Mount Sand Filter Downloads

Document ID SA6261 Jandy JS Series Filter Specification Sheet Download File Size 455.35 KB Document ID H0282300 Jandy Fiberglass/JS Side Mount Filter Manual Download File Size 10.6 MB

JS Side Mount Sand Filter Frequently asked questions

  1. Hole in filter cartridge, replace filter cartridge if necessary.
  2. Worn o-ring seal inside filter. Replace o-ring.
  1. Small eyeball fitting in pool/spa
  2. Partially closed valve on return line.
  3. Pump may be oversized. Check selection.
  4. Filter dirty. Clean filter per instructions.
  1. Check pump basket for debris.
  2. Check for air leaks on suction side.
  3. Check for restrictions or blockage in either suction or return lines.
  4. Filter needs to be cleaned or replaced.
  5. Pool water level too low.
  6. Pump not primed.
  7. Pump impeller vanes blocked.
  8. Strainer baskets not being used and/or not being cleaned regularly.
  9. Pump operating under speed (low voltage) or at low speed.
  1. Presence of algae. Check sanitizer levels.
  2. Check pH and total alkalinity.
  3. Pump output exceeds design flow rate of filter. Check pump performance.
  4. Ineffective cleaning, check conditions, replace filter cartridge.
  1. Insufficient sanitizer level.
  2. Incorrect pool chemistry.
  3. Heavy bathing and or dirt loads.
  4. Incorrect flow.
  5. Insufficient running times.
  6. Filter is dirty. (Clean per instructions.)
  7. Hole in filter element.